Sunday, 2 November 2008


ive just written some long thing out in word..... why wont it let me copy and paste???


To be honest I think deep down, I was rather hoping there would be a large group project, mainly because the idea of doing this by myself terrifies me! I have never done this kind of work before and imagining if anything goes badly wrong! its all down to me! But then again, What's life without a challenge?? There's only one way to learn really, and that is being thrown into the deep end i suppose! 
I've had a few ideas, but i expect i'm going to wait until we have our lecture to figure out exactly what I am going to do!!!! :$

reading week!

the last lecture was quite an interesting one, the style of script writing sounded rather appealing, and in all honesty, at first thought the set work would be alot easier than it actually is! IT SO ISN'T! and if it all could go wrong! it has!! 
I had a tape recorder at home, a little hand held thing, and after HOURS of searching!! found it, recorded an interview with my dad (a bus driver) and started to type, not long into the interview the tape recorder stops working! i change the battery! AND NOTHING! That's what I get for using a recorder that hasn't been used for a while! Maybe thats why??? Well whatever the reason, it now means I'm going to be working round the clock!!!! 
It is now sunday, leaving me with 4 days to sort it out! So now am willing my house mate to get home so I can interview him! and get this thing done! here's hoping my laptop doesn't die on me too or decides to stop recording!
Good luck everyone! I'm sure yours will be great!

Cardboard Citizens! 14/10/08

I know I'm a little late in posting! But being... ME! I've just figured out why I've had nothing on my page for the last month! I've been saving! Not Publishing! 

Tonight I had been to see the Cardboard Citizens Production and I have to say, not only did I enjoy it more than I had been expecting, It tought me something which frankly confuses me! Homeless people are homeless because they can't afford anywhere to live, and yet homeless shelters charge over £100 a week to stay in a hostel, designed for homeless people!!? How on earth does this work!? 
I'm starting to think I may be more Ignorant than I'd originally anticipated to think that it'd be free, in the hope of eliminating homelessness!!! 
However, all in all, it opened my eyes to what people go through, and shows that it is alot harder than it looks in some situations, after all we all say we may do things differently, but in the end, there is always something that will backfire on all our ways of doing things, and however many options we have in life, something can always go wrong for us if we are not careful. 
SO, all in all, entertaining night as it was, pretty much, a massive eye opener!